Halle JoomlaDay

Joomla! Blog

Alles über das Open Source CMS

I have been working with Joomla! (formerly Mambo) for a number of years. Already at the beginning of my work did I notice that it was not possible to create barrier-free, standard conform webpages with Mambo, as a clear separation of user logistics and HTML output was not foreseen. Therefore, Robert Deutz and I developed the first Run-Digital Hack which overwrote the responsible core files so that a structured output was made possible.

I then joined the design- and accessibility team of Joomla! so that the entire Joomla community could use these features.

Jetzt ist es an der Zeit das CSS der Beez auch so zu modifizieren, dass es von rechts nach links lesbar ist.
Irgendwie sieht das alles so komisch aus, aber gut.
Viel schlimmer ist, dass ich auf Firefox bug stoße.

Im Bereich der Schriftgrösseneinstellung wird mein padding verschluckt, was dazu führt , dass die Hintergrundbilder nicht mehr angezeigt werden.

#fonzsize a { display: -moz-inline-box;}

und hurra mein padding ist wieder da.

At the moment Eva Papst ( blind) is sitting beside me and we are going to check the Joomla installation with different screenreaders.
The first prob was that the webformator doesn’t show onclicks without href, so we have to change to window eyes , there it works.
These links aren’t reachable for keyboard users too.
Structure and Navigation are logical and useable.
Form elements are labeled and working.
It should be better to position the continue button after the form-fields.

Result: Installation successfully finished

Now we continue with step 2 and report later.

Oh, installation was sucessful but username forgotten.
What happens: Eva uses the link “forgotten username”.
She got the information, that there was sent a new password by mail .
“Forgotten password ” works too.

Conclusion: This part works fine.

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